Hours of Operation: Mon - Fri 8:00am - 8:00pm

For over 25 years Lexington Housing Community Development Corporation (LHCDC) had been a pillar of the Davidson County Community. For any business, much less a non-profit, to stay in business for 25 years is an accomplishment in itself.  With that being said, sometimes change is inevitable. As much as we loved being known as LHCDC, we have just outgrown the name. Considering we have served all of Davidson County with our various programs and services for years, we decided to rename, and rebrand, during our 25 year celebration to a name that incorporates what we do for the community we serve. So today we give you ...

We feel Home Solutions of Davidson County (HSDC) says it all. Home Solutions is what we do. We deal with every aspect of homeownership. We help people learn about homeownership, financial literacy, credit, budgets, scams and homeowner responsibility. We help people take the steps necessary to get out of rental or boarding situations and becoming a homeowner. We assist low-income homeowners with accessibility modifications or home repairs so that they can stay safely in their own homes. We assist families facing foreclosure so they understand their options for saving their home. HSDC is truly a one-stop solution for everything dealing with homeownership for Davidson County, NC residents. We just want everyone to know that a name change doesn't mean we will forget how far we've come in those 25 years or what it took to get us here. We are grateful for all the support and partnerships Lexington Housing Community Development Corporation had garnered. We are honored to be a part of the Cities of Lexington and Thomasville.  We feel pride in our team, our board, our mission and values. We are blessed to have served thousands of clients over the years. We are humbled by the continued support of our donors and grantors. Most importantly, we will be remindful of all those who got us here as we look towards our next 25 years. Thank you all!

Financial information about this organization and a copy of its license are available from the State Solicitation Licensing Branch at 919-807-2214 or 888-830-4989 for NC Residents. License #SL004016

Home Solutions of Davidson County

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